So, a little catch up on the off chance any former readers stumble across my little corner of Blogger... All the kids have grown up and graduated high school. One of them even has a couple kids of his own. Being a Nana is the best. 😊 Still love my high heels, but wearing them less and less and definitely not too the grocery store anymore lol. Still a wannabe chef and still a happy wife.. celebrated 20 years back in September with a fun trip to Galveston Island. These days I'm cooking healthier and mostly plant based for myself. The Husband went and had a heart attack on me about 5 years ago and I've got a bad liver, so we've parted ways with all the copious amounts of butter and sugar lol. Except holidays. no one messes with my holiday. lol
Speaking of holiday.. I'm feeding 25+ people. There will be 3 meats, 10 side dishes, and 7 or 8 desserts. As per the usual, EPIC! Hopefully pics and blog posts are soon to come. Bye for now. ❤❤