Sunday, February 7, 2010

Honey, I’m home!!!!!


We’re here.. lots of our stuff is here.. but there is still much to be done.  Can you even believe that NONE of my kitchen, except for the coffee pot and the spice cabinet is here yet?!!??!  Crazy, I know. LOL  Tomorrow.  :)  Today was a scramble to get as much here as humanly possible.  Mission accomplished. :)  Except for the dining room table and me and Dave’s dressers all the furniture is here.  The hutch is in the dining room, against my gorgeous red wall.. and can I just say again.. I freakin LOVE that color of red!! And my hutch.. it looks awesome against it.  I got a couple things inside the hutch.. but literally just a couple things.  But the kids rooms are set up. We have to find them new dressers tomorrow. We’re going to check out a couple thrift stores and if all else fails, we’re hitting up ikea or big lots.  The ones they have are just so disgusting and falling apart. And they are totally ruining the awesome paint jobs I did in each room, damnit! 

I’m  so excited that now that we have all the livingroom furniture in, I can see just how much space I have to work with.. and I think, I hope, my piano will fit in the livingroom against the front windows.. And since this place did not come equipped with a fireplace, and thus a mantel, I can use the piano as a mantel for my nick nacks and the ivy that usually sits on the mantel.  We’ll just have to see.   :) I just miss my pretty piano, even though it doesn’t work.. and I hate that it’s been sitting in The MIL’s garage for two years, because it was either the piano  or the china hutch at the old house, and the hutch held more pretty things than the piano did. 

I wish I had at least brought the damn microwave or a saucepan over here though.. My freakin coffee got cold and I can’t heat it back up.  My bathroom has yet another challenge.  The shower? Freakin amazing water pressure…felt awesome.. for the 10 whole minutes I had water before the hot water was gone because it had such strong pressure and output that it drained my hot water heater in a matter of minutes.. Yep, definitely going to need to remember to take down my removable showerhead with the water saver thingamabob inside it. Oh and I’m pretty sure the shower was built for elves, dwarves or The Sister (who’s just barely 5foot).. because it was right at my chest.. and I’m not some amazon woman. I’m on the short side of average. It was pretty funny watching The Husband having to bend down to get under the water… that was rapidly becoming cold because I had dared to shave my legs with the shower running. LOL  But the red looks awesome with the new shower curtain I got a few weeks back.  It’s white with all different kinds of circles in red, brown and tan.  Looks awesome with the red walls and the chocolate brown rug mat.  :)

Okay, I keep fucking up typing.. my brain and fingers aren’t communicating very well and I keep typing random words that sound close to what I ment… and I’ve done it 4 times now so I think it’s a time for a little rest for the weary…  I probably missed one or two mistypes, so if you noticed any.. it’s because I’m too tired to go back and proof read.. like I tell the kids: You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit! LOL

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