Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dude! I got a Dell!!!


So The Laptop died a most horrible death a week or two ago, thanks to Miss Butter Bean.  She kept unplugging it from the wall (it didn’t have a working battery), and now it won’t even boot up. 

And now that we have our ginormous income tax refund.. The Husband went to Best Buy last night and bought me a brand spankin’ new Dell laptop last night.  I’m in HEAVEN.  Well sort of. I’ll be in complete heaven when we get a broadband modem that is compatible with Windows 7.  Windows 7… not my idea, but I’m liking it so far!!  And I’m sure this is not important but it’s one of my favorite features in my new toy: It’s RED!!!! :D  I love red, it’s my favorite color and I freakin love my red laptop.  It’s fast, has a mega HUGE hard drive, and I’m really enjoying having it. It’s got a wifi modem built in, and I’m able to connect to the internet through someone in the neighborhood’s modem.. but at a very slow speed.  The Husband is going to pick up the new modem  tonight on his way home from work. 

Oh, and it has a webcam built in!! How freakin cool is that? 

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