Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trying again


We put another application in today.. This house is smaller.. a bit bigger than we’re in now.. one story, 3 bedrooms.  I told The Bestfriend when we first started looking that if I could find a house that was at least as big as this one that was an actual house, not a duplex, with a double garage and decent backyard.. then I’d take it gladly.  And that’s what this house is.  And the best part? Instead of being 500 more a month than we’re paying now (which can get difficult if work is slow at The Husband’s shop).. it’s only 100 more a month than we pay now!  Most definitely doable!  It has a huge backyard.. well not huge compared to the awesome backyard that The Bestfriend has.. but it’s pretty big.  With two oleander bushes back there..which I’m cool with because the twins are old enough to understand “that’s poisoness leave it alone”. And if they don’t they can be easily cut down and hauled away. The front yard has a HUGEMONGOUS tree, Dave says it’s an Ash.  I think it’s big and pretty and my kids will love climbing in it and sitting underneath it in the summer. 

Let’s see.. inside the house.  Pergo floors in the livingroom and hallway.  Laminate tile in the kitchen.  The kitchen is bigger than I have now and the dining room is big enough to hold my hutch.  Comes with a big side by side fridge with an icemaker!  The garage is right next to the kitchen like my current one.. so my system of shelves in the garage for my extra kitchen equipment will still be doable.. plus there are 3 linen closets in the hall.  Come to think of it.. I don’t remember seeing a pantry.  Surely there was one! That might be a problem.  I’ll work with it if I have too.. maybe that’s why there are two linen closets right off the dining room.

Carpet in the bedrooms.. the bedrooms are laid out well that I think things will work out well.. The closets are not walk in closets for the kids rooms.. but big closets with several shelves as well as clothing bars.. so it’s gonna work.  We’ll make it work. :)

The master has a fantastic large closet.. gotta love that. :)

All in all, it’s a cute little house. And I really hope we get it.  They at least took the time to verify our rental history and not just turning us down solely on the credit report.  We’re hoping to hear something by the end of the week.. My fingers toes and everything else are crossed. 

If it' doesn’t work out.. we’re going to look at the 3rd house, which is also a bit small (but actually has more sq footage than the one we put our app in for).. and if that house doesn’t come through, then it might just be time to accept that it won’t be this year.  I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that, because I NEED to move.  I need new space, I need the purging that comes with moving.. the new reorganization of everything. I have run out of places to creatively put things away here.. and it’s becoming nauseating.  I hate being here.  I just want to start packing.  But I won’t pack one single box until someone asks us to come sign a lease.. I will NOT get my hopes up that far and have to just unpack boxes back into this godforsaken duplex hellhole.  I will be patient and wait to see if the moving is going to happen. Then I will pack.  We have till the end of February, and I plan to take the time to really go through things.. I am not taking an unneccesary things to the house.

And here it is 3am once again.. I keep telling myself I am going to stop doing this… staying up so darn late.  It certainly isn’t helping me get off my butt and be productive during the daytime when the kids are gone.

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