Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Home…I hope?!


Along with the new laptop, we’re using our tax refund to try to move into a new to us, bigger home.  We met with a realtor on Tuesday and found a gorgeous two story house for rent.  It’s so perfect, and I’m really nervous about it.  We dropped our application off yesterday morning, a long with a hefty deposit to prove we’re serious and that we’re willing to pay a little extra in deposits because of our shoddy credit.  I’m trying not to worry about it and stress about whether they are going to say yes or not.  There’s a good possibility they are going to laugh when they see our credit.. but our current landlord said she would give us a good rental history reference and do everything she could to help us get into this bigger house.  Bless her for that.  As I told JD in an email right after I dropped off the application.. it’s in God’s hands now, and if it’s ment to be, it will happen.  Hopefully we’ll hear (I almost spelled that “here” LOL) something by the end of the week. 

A little about the house.  Well aside from the fact that it’s a gorgeous brick two story home… LOL  The outside is fabulous.  It’s on a corner lot (LOVE that), and has tons of trees.. including a magnolia tree. LOVE those!  Has a big two car garage with a window that The Husband is super stoked about.  The kitchen is fabulous, nice sized, plenty of room in the dining area for both my table and china hutch.  The countertops in the kitchen are a purple color.  That’s a bit different, but I actually kind of like it.  There is an island in the kitchen (YAY!!!!) and seems to be plenty of counter space.  There is even a dry bar in the corner of the dining area, next to the space where the hutch will be that will be perfect for storing things like my kitchenaid mixer and the food processor, etc. Oh Oh Oh!! And there is a window seat along the wall in the dining area!!! How cool is that?!

  There are still only 3 bedrooms.. with the master suite downstairs and the other two bedrooms plus the second full bath are upstairs.  The rooms are about the same size as the kids have now, but with HUGE walk in closets.  I think the fact that the rooms aren’t bigger will be okay because of the closets.  The dressers and whatnot that take up so much space in the room can be in the closet, with will in turn make the room appear bigger than their current rooms even though they are not. The master suite is lovely.  HUGE double sink bathroom with a walk in closet that I almost swooned over.  My shoes will fit in it!! ALL of my shoes.  All 45 pairs of them! That’s BIG.  The bathtub has a tile seat a long the side of it, which brings back really fond memories of my mother’s bathroom in the house I grew up in.  Her tub had an identical seat in it (like a window seat, but without the window).. and when I was a little girl, I just LOVED it when she would let me take a bath or shower in her bathroom because of that seat.  I felt all grown up sitting on it, pretending to shave my legs. LOL  It would be neat for The Twins to have that same childhood memory.  Oh, and the bedroom itself has a window seat. 

Oh, and the walls are not all white!!!! It’s the first time I’ve ever been in a rental where the walls were not all high gloss white.  The living room wall is actually about the same color I painted our dining room wall in this house.. a warm brownish beige color.  The staircase wall is white though.. and I think I’ll paint a bold brick or terra cotta color if (when!) we move in.  A long with nice painted walls there is gorgeous flooring. A really pretty terra cotta colored tile covers the downstairs from living to kitchen, but there is brand new cream colored carpet in the master.  The stairs and the entire upstairs is also cream carpet.. and I think I remember the realtor saying it was new.

The backyard is amazingly huge.  With a wrap around patio/deck.  The backporch has a covered area that even has an outdoor ceiling fan.  Lots of trees, and gated dog crate/dog run area that I totally see becoming the twins little clubhouse.  :)

All in all the house is amazing.  Perfect.  And that’s what scares me.  I’m so in love with this house already.  It’s going to hurt a bit if we get told no.  The realtor seemed to think we had a chance since The Husband makes twice the income requirement and we have good rental history. He said as long as we were willing to pay first and last months rent and possible a large deposit, we have a good chance.  He talked to the landlord and they said our credit wouldn’t likely be a problem..but I just can’t help but worry.  Things like this don’t usually happen for us.  But it’s about time they did, darn it!

No matter what, though.. this is in God’s hands.  He knows that we’re cramped here and that we’d really like to have a larger.. and nicer place.  We live in a tiny duplex right now, and it’s just not the sort of house that your proud to have company in.  When the twins brownie troop was asking for people to please help and have the meets at their house, I didn’t even consider allowing the troop to come here.. but at that house, I totally could and would.  I can just SEE us there.  But I can usually “just see us there” to any house we look at. LOL  It will be a let down and I’ll probably cry a bit if we get turned down.. but I have faith that if this is not “The One”, God will point us in the direction of the house that is.  And if it’s ment that we stay here another year.. then we can do that too.. I’ll probably grumble and moan about it.. but I can do it.  At least we have a roof, heat in the winter, and a/c in the summer.  It really could be a LOT worse.. I’m sure people in Haiti and other places that are poverty stricken would love my tiny duplex.  So I’m thankful for what we do have.  And I pray that it is right and it is time for us to move on from here into a larger home. 

I hope you’ll take a moment and say a small prayer for that, too.  We feel like we outgrew this place long ago. Probably before we ever even moved in.  Please say a prayer that this is right and that it happens. Whether it be the pretty brick home or somewhere else.  And if you did take a moment and actually pray, thank you very much. :)

And a prayer that I can accept whatever decision we’re given, even if it’s a no, with grace and dignity would also be appreciated.

I should have an update on this by the end of the week. Keep your fingers, toes and everything else crossed!!! :)

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