Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dishes and groceries and laundry, oh my!

So, I've got the dishwasher running, the countertops have been washed, the groceries have been purchased and put away, there's a pan of chocolate chip cookie/brownie marble bars in the oven for girl scouts, and there's a load of jeans in the washer and towels in the dryer. Whew!!! Not bad for a couple hours work. :) Now I'm off to print out my lasagne recipe and start all the prep work on that :) I got a nice loaf of whole wheat french bread to go along with it.. I thought a nice whole wheat garlic bread would stand up nicely to the hearty richness of a butternut squash lasagne filled with bechamel and tons of cheese :D

Giada is making butternut squash risotto on Everyday Italian right now.. SO YUM. One of my new Thanksgiving dinner staples. :)

P.S. After a nice long nap, Andy is doing pretty good. He was a total trooper through the grocery store. I almost let him stay here by himself, but he said he felt good enough to go. He even carried all the grocery bags in the house for me.. My sweet helper. Anytime you need something done.. Andy is your man. :) Just like his daddy. :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow... my 'day' at home was the epitome of unproductive. Other than stopping home to quickly inhale supper, we didn't get home after work until about 9pm, and now, it's a battle of homework, chores, bed. We're not winning yet either. Ugh!

    I feel like I should clean and do housework, but it's too cold, I'm too tired, and... My get-up-and-go got-up-and-went.

    What might help is some of what's in your oven and involves brownies and chocolate. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!
