Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween, and Happy Birthday to My Sweetie!!

So the big day is finally here. The kids could just pee themselves with excitement. LOL I had to get up insanely early this morning to take The Girls to a Girl Scout event. They earned their first patch today. Awwww :) I'm supposed to be taking a nap right now, since I was up late doing party prep stuff.. But what am I doing?? *eyeroll* LOL One our way home from the girl scout thing, we stopped and got Daddy some balloons and a couple cards.. and we brought him breakfast from a really yummy mexican bakery/restaurant that The Husband loves. I couldn't find him a clip on earring that he likes for his Mr. Clean costume.. so he's considering going and having his ear pierced today! :O I asked him if he was having his midlife crisis or something and just using the costume as an excuse. LOL I am going to DIE laughing if he comes home in a little while with an earring. LOL

I'm pretty excited about today. We decided to keep it simple for the food... there is too much to do just getting the kids ready and myself ready.. I don't have the time for ambitious party food like stuffed shells. Hell it takes 20 minutes just to break down a butternut squash. So.. We decided snacks instead. The Husband is going to make some Salsa, I'm going to make The White Dip (creamy garlic jalapeno ranch... MMM), we're going to do crackers with a couple toppings.. cream cheese with roasted raspberry chipotle sauce, pimento cheese salad, summer sausage and cheddar cheese... And I'm thinking sweet and sour meatballs.. So easy.. frozen meatballs, a jar of grape jelly and a bottle of chili sauce all in the crockpot. Maybe some deviled eggs, if I have the time.. and I think we're good. I've got two kinds of sweets (aside from bags and bags of halloween candy.. I promise I only ate a little.. well, maybe a moderate.. okay, I ate a lot of it.. but there is still tons LOL).. Anyway, back to the sweets I'm baking. Dave loves carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.. but I didn't want to have to deal with the whole cutting the cake ordeal and neither did dave.. So instead I decided I'd do carrot cake cupckaes, and I'm going to put a little candy corn on the top of each one..and then put them on my silver and crystal petite fours tray that The Mother got for me two Christmas' ago and I've never had an occasion to use. :) JD- Je n'ai eu l'orthographe française, là-haut et ici correcte? :P Anyway.. gonna do the cupcakes (and I'm hoping to find some cute Halloween cupcake liners).. and I made some big soft sugar cookies that I'm going to put some orange colored buttercream frosting on, with halloween sprinkles. :) I still need to make the cupcakes.. and all the frostings.. but that's about it. Everything else is just sort of open it up and put it on the table. :)

I'm excited, I think it's going to be a fun party.

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