Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hanging with the teenagers...

Yesterday was The Bestfriends birthday.. And since I got her hooked on the Twilight books, we decided to go check out the New Moon primier for her birthday. So we got a huge group of girls together.. Some of our friends and her co-workers, plus her daughter and the daughters of some friends. In all we had about 16 people in our party.

We started off at a Mexican Food place called Chuy's.. Took them forever to put a 20 top together for us.. but we sat in the bar's happy hour section and had Mexican Martinis and a free nacho bar while we waited. We ate outside on the patio..Texas can rock.. where else can you eat outside in November with only 2 stand heaters needed to heat the entire patio? It was great.. I had the special.. Hatch Chicken Enchiladas.. the sauce was a queso blanco sauce with hatch peppers. I tried a bite of my friends Veggie Enchilada with Boom Boom Sauce* and it was amazing.. totally ordering that next time. 3 Shakers of martinis later.. we were on our way to the theatre.

We were smart and pre-bought and printed out our tickets earlier this week, so we didn't have to wait in line at the box office, which was good.. because it was sold out for all showings. LOL It was wall to wall girls in the theatre, everyone all queued up waiting to take seats in the theatre.. Older women like us, teenagers, grade schoolers.. it was actually kind of fun being part of the crowd. We got pretty decent seats inside the theatre, and the handicap spaces were directly in front of us, unused. So instead of seats in front of us, there was just a handrail bar.. that made a handy food rest! The movie was really good.. I liked the first Twilight movie a lot.. but this was one even better. The acting was better, the effects were better.. and Jacob black.. was *better*. YUM. I've always been very pro "Team Edward".. but Taylor Lautner made it really hard not to switch sides to "Team Jacob". LOL Halfway through the movie my bestfriends daughter, The Niece, had to go to the bathroom, so I went with her. Neither of us wanted to miss the movie, so we held hands and ran through the theatre to the restrooms.. And I was in 3 inch heels. LOL Never once missed a beat.. There were tons of girls camped outside on of the theatre doors, waiting for their showing to start.. One asked "How is it?!" and The Neice laughed when I replied "It's awesome, you're going to love it!" as we ran by. LOL It was one of those memories The Neice and I will laugh about for years to come. :)

All in all, it was a pretty great way to celebrate The Bestfriend's birthday.. we all had a really great time. :)

*The best I can tell (and I'm usually pretty good at being able to figure out what's in something by tasting it), Boom Boom sauce is a white cheese queso with cilantro, jalapeno (maybe serrano)peppers, and I *think* it had tomatillo salsa in it.. I tasted something tangy that really reminded me of tomatillos so I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Either way, it was this spicy hot wayyyy yummy cheesy sauce that I really really liked and need to figure out how to make.

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