Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

Today is my second baby's birthday. Jason is now 12, errr.. he will be at 11:25pm tonight anyway. lol Right about now 12 years ago I was being sent home from the hospital because my 25 hour long labor had stalled out. Well it stalled out on changing my cervix, I was still very much in the throws of contractions every 3-4 mins. LOL I can't believe it's been 12 since that day.. I still remember it all so vividly. Of course you don't soon forget a birth that results in 32 stitches to your special place. (TMI, I know, sorry. lmao)

So he is 12... One more year until I have two teenagers. That's a little freaky. I am making him the 14 layer cake I posted about a week or so ago.. And I'm gonna make cinnamon rolls either today or tomorrow for Sunday mornings breakfast after his sleepover. He wanted his sleepover to be tonight, on his actual birthday.. but I have a wedding to be at in the morning at 10am.. So we are doing it tomorrow night. He's pretty excited.. they will be watching movies, playing xbox, eating 14 layers of cake. LOL

For today he decided he wanted a birthday lunch, instead of a birthday dinner.. so he's having some steak fingers from DQ. And we plan to go to the pool for some swimming sometime this afternoon with the sis in law and my niece and nephew. Tonight they will probably just have some sammies on sub sammich rolls since I'm going to be making 14 layers of vanilla and chocolately goodness. Not gonna feel like cooking.

Pics to follow of my cake adventure. :)

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